I just saw a facebook entry that said more people are killed
in Canada by
Moose than terrorists. When you first read this, it just seems impossible.
After all, what could possible get moose…mooses…miises…moosii angry enough to
take the life of a Canadian? We are a pretty harmless country, filled with
polite farmers, foresters, miners, oilmen and politicians that think they are
important. I know, you couldn’t blame a moose for wanting any politician dead,
but pretty much everyone else is harmless.
I then realized that we were talking about accidental
highway deaths, not premeditated, homicidal ruminants. This I can believe since
there are estimated to be between 500,000 and 1,000,000
moose…mooses…miises…moosii in Canada
and they are notorious for ignoring highway signs telling them where they
should cross.

When I was little, my mom and dad rented out the basement to
a young couple. He was a drummer and she was a drummer’s wife. Back in those
days only one person needed to work in a family to get by. They owned a red VW
Beetle which was a very cool looking car from the perspective of a five year
old boy. I can’t remember how long they lived with us, but a couple of years
after they moved out I can remember my mom crying because they had died. It
turns out they were driving in Northern Ontario at night
and ran into a moose on the highway. The car was so low that the roof was
sheered off of the VW by the moose and that nice young couple were decapitated.
I still remember a comment my dad made to us boys
afterwards. “This wouldn’t have happened if they had bought a domestic car.”
I’m not sure dad learned the most important lesson here and I doubt that
anything short of a tank would have protected them. To me it just proves that
you shouldn’t drive in Northern Ontario at night…in a
foreign car.
I was just sitting here wondering if anyone had been killed
by mice. Certainly not while driving a car either foreign or domestic. I
imagine that at some point in the history of mankind it has happened, but how?
Perhaps someone might be startled and if they had a weak heart, it just might
cause a heart attack. I bet those little buggers carry some disease that would
weaken or kill a healthy human. I don’t think mice are known to swarm, but if
thousands of mice swarmed you, they just might kill you. If that happened I
know I would have a heart attack. I just watched a video of millions of mice
attacking a farm in Australia .
They were eating the pigs while they were alive! Jesus!!!!
I advise you not to watch this video, because it is ewwwwww…
If you do, don’t blame me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2coiMgXXNyo
So, mice can kill you for sure.
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