I went over to give a hand to my son-in-law Chris yesterday
with his fence. It is/was pretty much complete except for some trim work. He
could have done it himself, but it is easier to have another set of hands to
hold the other end and put in the odd screw. By the time we were finished, it
looked great and should be able to keep animals and kids contained for many
years to come.
A fence is basically wood posts sunk into the ground, some
more wood stretched between the posts and somehow attached. I love split rail
fences that were all over farm country when I was growing up in Ontario .
They consisted of two post sunk into the ground with a six to eight inch gap
between them. Horizontal “split” rails would then be stacked in the gap, alternating
sections of the fence. I imagine the work involved splitting the logs would be
pretty impressive. These fences would snake their way around the fields. I
suspect the logs came from clearing the land in the first place.

Another type of fence I used to see all of the time was made
of stone. The stones picked from the field would be placed around and over the
years would become a pretty impressive edifice. These stones would range from
as large as a small car to the size of a small child’s fist. Children were the
ones that had to pick the rocks every spring once the soil had been turned

The beauty about these fences is that other than the labour
involved in construction, they were free. Money was spent on farm equipment and
seed, not fences. They kept the animals in or out, but the kids could go
anywhere they wanted.
Today, a fence costs a small fortune in lumber and
fasteners. If you are hiring someone to do the work, you can double or triple
the cost. Most new home owners don’t have the skills or tools to build a fence,
but it is a simple enough project. There is generally a friend that has built a
fence before, and a group of friends that want to learn how to do it at your
expense. Towards the end of the job, all of your friends have lost interest and
you would have as well, except that you need the fence to keep the kids
corralled. That’s why I was there yesterday.
When my dad was building fences, he and the neighbours drove
small metal posts into the ground at regular intervals and stretched four foot
chain link fencing along the length. It was good for what was needed back then,
keeping us kids from wandering into trouble. When I was building fences, we
sunk four by four posts in the ground in tamped down gravel, joined them top
and bottom with two by fours and nailed the boards alternating one board on
either side. It was called a “good neighbour” fence. Hopefully, your good
neighbour would pay half.
The fences now are built to last. They use four by six posts
that are cemented three or four feet into the ground. The boards are sandwiched
between a two by four and a one by four at the top and bottom. This creates a
private area which is good looking on both sides and is almost impossible to
look through. It keeps the kids inside very nicely. The wood is all pressure
treated, so hopefully it will last longer than the person that built it.
While I was taking a break from working, I was wondering why
fences had gotten to be so much more impressive over the years. Why didn’t my
dad build a great big fence? I guess cost was a factor, but everyone built the
same way back then. I think that part of the reason is that home owners have
better tools and fasteners now than they had back in the day. I can remember
the shitty tools that dad had. I imagine that the circular saw was a godsend
over using a hand saw. All that dad needed for his fence was a neighbour who
had a sledge hammer and a pair of pliers. Oh, and a case or two of beer.
When Chris built his fence, he had a guy come in with a power auger for the post holes. Bags of ready mix cement for the holes. There
was a sliding, compound mitre saw, circular saw, jig saw, a reciprocating saw,
hammers of course, chalk lines, cordless drills, screw bits, various sizes of
screws and friends with fence building knowledge. Oh, and a case or two of
The fences get better, but the people remain the same.