I found myself at a shopping mall in the south end of the
city today. I don’t often find myself that far south, unless I have a dentist
appointment or am having a visit with my ophthalmologist. Today I caught a ride
down with my buddy who was getting his eyes tested.
South Centre mall is far classier than the malls in my neck
of the woods. The people seem to look at themselves in a mirror before they
decide to go shopping and put on nice looking clothes. The people that populate
the malls in my area of the city will deck themselves out in spandex,
sweatpants, pyjama pants and t-shirts featuring their favourite heavy metal
band. The southern stores cater to a higher class clientele as well; you know
the kind of person that is in the mall to spend money on clothing, shoes or
furniture instead of being there on a drug run.
I wandered through the mall while I was waiting for my
buddy, watching the beautiful people clutching their new purchases in one exquisitely
manicured hand, while holding a grande, double mochachino Peruvian coffee in
the other. Life is good!
I spent a lot of the time just watching the people going
about their business, moms with toddlers, older couples looking at things in
the Disney Store for their grandkids, and the immaculately dressed women in all
of the stores. I ended up on the second floor watching the world parade pass by
me. I saw when the two security guards approached the two teenage girls and
when one of the girls started to cry. They got up and the security guys walked
them away. I have little sympathy for shop lifters as a rule, but this one had
me hoping they would make a break for it. They just walked out of sight and
even though I followed, I lost track of them quickly.
I went down to the main floor and sat by one of the three
fountains, listening to the water falling into the pool. I noticed that the
bottom of the fountain was littered with coins of all denominations. They were
just sitting there within easy reach. Those girls should have helped themselves
to the free cash instead of shop lifting. They might have gotten in trouble for
that as well, but it’s much harder to prove that the wet coins aren’t yours
than the t-shirt with a tag still on it is. If those fountains were in my neck
of the woods, the money would be out of reach and more than likely protected by
chicken wire.
I suppose that the people stop by the fountains, toss a coin
in and make a wish. Wishes are nice things and I guess the beautiful people in
the south end of the city have unfulfilled dreams as well. I wonder where all
of that wish money goes? Sometimes there is a sign saying where the money goes
when it is collected from the pool. Children’s Wish Foundation, the local soup
kitchen, some worthy department in the hospital are all good places for wish
money to be spent. I’d hate to think that it went for a mall employee Christmas
party or even worse to the mall general revenue.
It doesn’t matter where the money goes, the wishes are out
there and for some, those wishes will come true. Some won’t be as lucky, but
not all wishes should be granted. I know that kids just like to toss money into
the fountain, and to tell the truth, so do I. For me the wish is often
secondary or I wish on behalf of someone else.

Today, I wished that those I love stay healthy and happy. Tomorrow,
it will be a winning lotto ticket.
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