I wrote my last Christmas card today. I had most of them
written and sent off last week, but this last one was to my uncle and I had to
verify that he was still walking on this earth. He is and I got off a card to him.
It should get to him in plenty of time for Christmas. It won’t mean much to
him, we have never been close and to tell you the truth I have always been
intimidated by him. He never gave me cause to feel inferior, but superior
people can’t help but have that effect. He is something for me to strive to achieve
though. It is a cliché, but he makes me want to be a better person.
I thought back to the cards I have written when I crossed Jack’s
name off the list of cards to be sent. There may be one or two cards that need
sending, but those will be from people I haven’t anticipated that I would
receive a card from. Like the 40,000 plus people who have read the blog. Boy
that would put a dent in the stamp budget!
I have SENT and RECEIVED columns beside each name and at the
end of the season I look to see if the list is balanced. It doesn’t matter if I
get a card from those I send to; the people on the list deserve to get a card
from me due to their contributions to my life. People on the list have earned
their place time and time again. I also use the list for the next year to make
up the new list. Some people do get deleted, but more for death than any other
The other day I was looking for an address for someone that
should receive a card, but won’t get one because they didn’t put a return
address on their card from last year. The old mailman in me says always,
always, always put a return address on your letters! I found the envelopes from
the past two years, but I didn’t have one from him. Yes, I know most normal
people toss those used envelopes out, but sometimes they get put in the card
box and wait for a year or two so that they can make you seem like a hoarder.
Fucking envelopes!

It occurred to me that with the advances in genetic engineering,
there is a very good chance I will soon be able to clone genetic copies of all
of my friends. Well, maybe the significant others of those friends. Most of
them will have licked the Christmas card envelope to seal it or possibly they sneezed
while writing the card. I might get some random worker from the Hallmark printing
plant that produced the cards and envelopes, but let’s just assume I can get viable
genetic material from my friends. I don’t know what I would do with younger
copies of my friends, but it could make for some interesting conversations.
I could probably form my own baseball, football or hockey
team, but none of them were any good at sports, so really what would be the
point. They are all pretty smart, but they also had more than a fair share of
attitude. You know, I think I will just keep the envelopes and pass them down
to my descendants. Sometime in a thousand years or so some geeky, bored genetic
scientist might just create us all again just for shits and giggles.
It is a pretty remote chance and not likely to happen at
all, but just in case, I think I should go and lick a few envelopes so that I
can hang with my buddies again in a few thousand years.
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