Thursday 8 September 2011

Give It To The Evil Bastards

I have a couple of things on my mind today.

I guess that the first one is that I survived a full day of work! It was difficult, but with the support of my friends and loved ones I will eventually get back to the person that I was. When I say difficult, I mean Post Office difficult of course, which is not the same as real world difficult. Considering the fact that they have hired retired postal workers, they really can’t expect much more than a few minutes of work, an hour of reminiscing, a few minutes of work, an hour of reminiscing... Well, you get the idea.

Trained monkeys were the first choice, but I guess they were busy in a room typing a best seller. Yes, it was mind numbingly boring, but I am qualified for that kind of work. Day one done and in the can, I think there are 11 more days, unless we work ourselves out of a job. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....


I received an email a week ago from a company that I have purchased an item from and was very satisfied. They are the Projector Lamp Source, , and I highly recommend using their services for all of your projector lamp business. Every 10,000 or 20,000 hours of viewing the bulb will burn out and if you buy from the manufacturer it will cost you 2 – 3 times as much. So, back to the email that I received, it said “Ready For The New Year? Back to school savings on projector lamps”
  Projector Lamp Source
What the hell are they doing in school; that the kids need to stock up on projector lamps? Just how much of their learning is televised? I had to listen to some old fart drone on about the civil war in twelfth century England between Steven and Maude, but today I guess the kids just watch “The Pillars of the Earth” or “Brother Cadfael”. Well, I guess times change faster than an old fart’s mind.

Today I received an email from the Projector Lamp Experts who were offering a back to school discount. How did I get on their list? It isn’t as if I have ordered numerous lamps for my TV. My kids aren’t in high school anymore, so they don’t need to fill their backpacks with lamps. Why would the “source” people give my name to the “expert” people? Very good questions, but I am just going to let it go, because I have no idea just how many lamp suppliers there are out in web land.


This is just a note for God if He happens to be a follower of my blog. You are the one that set the bar for good and evil. The Ten Commandments, all of those Old Testament guys and the rest of the religious world have been talking about good and evil on an off for thousands of years. If there has to be cancer and disease on this planet, give it to the evil bastards, not sweet young people that have a long life of love and happiness ahead of them.

If you need names, I don’t pretend to have them all, but I have enough of them to get you started.


  1. So are you going back to the post office for 30 more years, and then collect a second pension? B

  2. Thirty years might be a stretch. I could do it of course, but I don't think the current crop of supervisors would be up to the challenge.
