I was just lying in bed trying to sleep this sore throat
away when I started to think about the best way to launch a rocket from our
planet. Of course I would think about that when I need to rest, what a tool!
It’s not as if I know anything about rocketry, gravity,
space or really anything scientific at all. I have read a lot of sci-fi books
and I have seen pretty much every Star Trek episode, so in that way I am an
expert I suppose. Years ago, a work friend was into rocketry and I took the
kids to watch his club launch a bunch of toy rockets. I’m sure all of those
people in that club and any club would be offended by my referring to the
rockets as toys. In my mind, if the rocket can’t at least send a monkey or a
cat to a possible fiery death, then it is a toy.

I was thinking about those NASA launches that are just so
damned impressive. The rocket is surrounded by the gantry with all sorts of
hoses and wires attached, fog or steam is leaking off and then there is the
“We have ignition”

Clouds of billowing smoke and superheated gasses shoot out
in all directions and the ship struggles against gravity, until finally it
begins climbing into the sky. Faster and faster the rocket travels until it is
just a white contrail in the sky. There would be nothing I would love to do
more than to watch one of those launches in person.

Unfortunately, NASA has gotten out of the launching
business, preferring to let their once arch rivals the Russians take over
getting payloads into space. I don’t understand why NASA retired the shuttles
before having some kind of replacement vehicle. I guess like a lot of the
businesses in the US ,
NASA decided to outsource their space program. I wonder if it were a dollar and
cents decision or if it became a political hot potato. Either way, if you want
to get yourself or something into space, it’s the Russians, Chinese or private
enterprise. Whatever works I suppose.
While I was lying in bed, I was wondering why it takes so much
energy to launch a rocket. It doesn’t seem to take as much energy to launch an
airplane and they get up to about seven or eight miles high relatively
painlessly. The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner the higher you go, so I
would imagine pushing that extra four or five miles shouldn’t be a problem for
rocket scientists.

I know what you are thinking, “Ken what the fuck do you know
about anything?”, and you would be right. I just thought that by this stage of
my life I would be able to buy a ticket to take a vacation on the moon or Mars.
I thought there would be flying cars and personal jetpacks too. I had hoped
Cancer would be cured and that a simple sore throat would be a thing of the
past. Well it’s not, and not only am I terribly disappointed in this life, I have a sore

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