Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all! I hope that you managed
to enjoy bringing the New Year in without suffering any permanent damage or
having to make any embarrassing apologies. We had a quiet time as is our usual,
and managed to stay awake until midnight .
We did our tradition of opening both doors in the house to let the old year out
and the new year in. I would have preferred to have the trade winds blow warm
air in as well, but I have no complaints.
I haven’t done a blog for two days and for those two or
three people who care, I do apologize. The first day I didn’t have much to say
(as usual), and last night I had too many glasses of Baileys. Oops!
The other day, Maegan and I were
taking Hurricane and Tornado out for Texas Donuts and bowling. Maegan was
leaving the next day and wanted the nephews to remember her until the next
visit I suppose. For those that don’t know, Texas donuts are about 10 inches in diameter and when Maegan was
in school, they would be sold as a fundraiser. She has fond memories of regular
sugar overdoses and wants the nephews to have the same memories.
We were driving on the highway when all of a
sudden the cars in front of us decided to stop. The roads were icy and we
started a vehicle ballet which left us facing oncoming traffic and about 8
inches from being in a crumpled vehicle. No one had screamed, yelled or shit
their pants, although I was pretty close to accomplishing all three at once. I
looked back at the boys and asked if everyone was okay and they said “Yeah! Can
we do that again?” I looked over at Maegan; we smiled and said “NO.”
The rest of the trip was pretty
uneventful, but I made sure to leave plenty of space in front of me. We decided
to bowl first and eat donuts later. It was one of those black light/laser
bowling alleys which I find very distracting. I haven’t bowled in probably 20
years and the reason is probably that I am not very good. I was at one time,
but that was fifty years ago and those muscles have atrophied. Well, that’s my

The boys had no idea about
bowling, and were happy to just toss the ball up in the air and hope for the
best. Maegan was pretty good for someone who never bowls and although I started
the game with a strike that was the last good ball I threw. I had planned to
hold back and keep the score pretty even, but it quickly became apparent that
there was no way I would beat Maegan and I would have to work hard to keep
ahead of the boys. Tornado lost interest after five frames and Hurricane six.
Maegan didn’t care, but I would have redeemed myself if I could have
finished…maybe. The boys got to pee in urinals and use the forced air hand
dryer to finish off the whole experience. What could be better?
Donuts of course!
Unfortunately, the bakery was out
of the large donuts, but there were plenty of the smaller kind to keep everyone
happy and “sugared up”.
When my kids were small, I would
take them out and at some point I would tell them that they shouldn’t tell
mommy about what we did. They nodded solemnly and the minute we got in the
door, it was “Mommy, mommy guess what we did?” I did learn from that
experience, so I figured if I didn’t tell the boys not to say anything to their
mom, they just might not. It turns out
that Maegan didn’t learn anything all those years ago and she blabbed to Arwen
about the near accident. Arwen had us over for dinner and when I got home I
sent her a text. “Thanks for a wonderful dinner, and I’m sorry I almost killed
your kids.” She replied “No Problem.”
She either doesn’t care, which I
doubt, or she expects the boys to be in grave danger when they are with me.
is a tolerant mom.
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