Friday 23 May 2014


Our family is on baby watch.

Little Tsunami could arrive at any time, but I will understand if he/she/it decides that life is much better and certainly less stressful just staying put. Can’t blame Tsunami for not knowing any better, there is a whole world of knowledge out there just waiting to be learned. Someone should tell he/she/it that there isn’t a test and life isn’t pass or fail, it just is.

I never know how to react to family pregnancies. Yes, I am always excited but I have the feeling that I should keep my excitement under the surface. Truthfully, I am more excited for the new mom and dad than for baby “X”.  They are the ones that are going to have the biggest impact on their way of life. I remember my dad telling me that I shouldn’t get too excited until I actually have it in my hand. He was talking about money, but he could have meant a baby I suppose.

The idea of “spur of the moment” ceases to exist the moment that beautiful baby makes an appearance. Little things that they once took for granted will now require a little thought and preparation. It is nothing insurmountable, but babies are flexible, bounceable, cuddly and they smell good for the most part. Brendan and Tara have done all of the preparation and are as ready as new parents can be. Some of the things that they have planned will not be feasible; some things that they didn’t think of will be painfully obvious in the weeks to come. Tsunami is going to have a great mom and dad.

I am kind of hoping for a baby girl. We have two boy grandchildren and a girl would go a long way to balancing the world. Plus, in some ways girls can be cuter than little boys, but with the genetics coursing through this kid, she is bound to be something of a tomboy anyways. I told Brendan early on that I preferred a surprise and I think they feel the same way. They haven’t told us the sex of the baby, so I am assuming they just don’t know either. Whatever the sex, it will be the cutest being on the planet!

I do plan to spoil my new grandbaby and more than likely I will fill her/him with bad ideas, candy, popcorn, gum and juice. The juice is in there to convince Tara and Brendan that I can be responsible if I choose to be. I don’t, but they don’t need to know that.

We are all waiting, none more so than Tara, but Tsunami will arrive when he/she is good and ready and not a moment before. The cousins are looking forward to having a new cousin to play with. They may be a little disappointed that they will have to wait the better part of a year, but both of them will be great cousins. Aunt Maegan is just waiting for a phone call that will start a flurry of shopping for the cutest things on the planet. Maegan has a knack for getting the right gift at the right time. She will be able to spoil her new nephew/niece in July when she visits.

I can hardly wait till I can teach the baby to drive. Legal age for driving is ten…right?

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