I recently bought a new cover for my iPad from a company in China .
I tried to buy one here, going to several stores which had an abysmal
selection. Oh, that abysmal selection was also over priced in my mind. I came
home disappointed and went online to see what I could find. The prices online
more or less reflected what I saw in the stores; anywhere from $40 to over
$100. I was disheartened as it was going to be a Christmas gift and the old
cover was well past its prime.
I went back online after shedding a tear or two and decided
to see what I could find from the EBAY sellers from China .
The choices were many and the designs varied. The prices varied from under $10
to just around $40 which was a cover with a keyboard. I choose a light brown,
leather cover with magnetic on/off. It was far superior to my old cover and
cost $12.91 Canadian. Postage was free and the delivery date was 3 – 4 weeks. I
could have paid more to get expedited delivery, but I would have had to pay
more. I had no trouble waiting 3 -4 weeks.
I have been using it since just after Christmas and I have
no complaints. Well, that’s not true. I have been having trouble charging it
while the case is on. That isn’t a big deal for me, but I like things to work
the way they were meant to if at all possible. I lived with it for a while, but
today I decided enough was ENOUGH!
It turns out that the cover wasn’t the problem at all; it
was the charging cable that was somehow defective. I still have to discover
what the problem is, but it is nice to know that the cover is performing just

The cable is one of six that I bought from a company in China .
It isn’t from Apple, but I figured that since most electronics are manufactured
in the Far East anyways, it should have been good. I am
going to have to check and see whether or not the other charge cables are
causing trouble. I don’t think they are, but no one wants to be in a powered
down situation. I bought the six cables for about $5.00 a couple of years ago
so I am not too disappointed that one of them may be malfunctioning.
There are certain things that should be bought locally, and
I am more than happy to support local businesses if I can. My problem is that
some local businesses aren’t very supportive when it comes to pricing. They
should make a healthy profit, but they shouldn’t take advantage of the
consumer. I buy tiny screw eyes for crafting and at Lowes or Rona they are sold
in a package of ten for about $2.50. I just ordered 200 from China
for $2.89 with free shipping. If I were to buy the same amount locally, it
would cost me about $50.00. That is too healthy a profit. They could order the
screw eyes from China ,
charge .05 per and make a 400% profit and everyone would be happy.
Oh well, I probably just don’t understand international
business and international business doesn’t understand me.
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