Thursday 18 December 2014

Nice and Warm


1 - cup of light cream
1 - 14 oz can of eagle brand  ( I use 1 ½ of the smaller cans. I don’t think there are 14 oz cans in Canada.)
1 2/3 cups of Irish whiskey ( I use Canadian Club)
1 tsp. Instant coffee
2 tbsp. chocolate syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. almond extract

Blend. Bottle and refrigerate. Shake before using.

Every year for as far back as I can remember, I have made a couple of bottles of Bailey’s. I’ve mentioned that I don’t drink a lot, but each December I like to listen to Christmas music, write cards, wrap gifts and drink some of my home made Bailey’s. Yes, I know it isn’t very exciting, but to be truly happy, one must do what is right for them. Happiness shouldn’t lie at the bottom of a bottle, but maybe somewhere in the middle of a bottle.
When I was working, I would always take my holidays at this time of year. It was partly because I couldn’t get any summer holidays and partly because the mail is very heavy around Christmas. I would stay home drinking Bailey’s, listening to that Christmas music and watching the cold from inside the house. There is something comforting about watching others freeze their asses off while you are warm and watching. I said it was comforting, not that I was nice.
Now that I don’t have to work in the cold or at any other time for that matter, the Bailey’s just doesn’t seem so essential. I still like it, but meh. Part of the “meh” is that the last couple of times we were in the states, we used duty free option and picked up a couple of bottles of Bailey’s. Those bottles last me a long time.

Well, I have a gingerbread house to assemble tonight and tomorrow it is cookie day. Well, the start of cookie weekend. I encourage you to try that recipe if you like Bailey’s, it isn’t perfect, but it comes pretty close to the real deal.

Happy drinking and here’s hoping you are nice and warm while some other poor sucker has to work in the cold.

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