Monday 11 August 2014

Robin Williams

The world received a shock today when it was announced that Robin Williams took his own life at 63. He had been battling depression for quite some time and lost the battle today.

There are so many words on the social media and tomorrow there will be just as many in print and of course the news shows will be talking about it until something else captures their attention. I really don’t need to add anything and quite frankly my thoughts are simply that…my thoughts.

I liked Robin from the first time I saw him on Happy Days and followed him on and off during his career like many millions of others. We will miss him for the projects that will never get done now and the laughs we will never have. We do have all of the work he has left behind and will continue to laugh at and love the characters he portrayed.

I always liked to watch him on talk shows and how it was impossible for the hosts to control the interview whenever he showed up. He was truly a unique individual and our world was all the better for his being here.

Robin will be forgotten eventually, but never completely and I suspect that future generations will resurrect our Robin and make him theirs.


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