Monday 7 May 2012

Cock-Eyed Optimist

Well, call me a cock-eyed optimist.

I decided that today was the day to change from winter tires to summer tires. I know it is only early May and there is at least a month of possible snow storms, but sometimes you have to take a chance.

I change the tires the old fashioned way, with a tire iron, jack and elbow grease. I suppose the real old fashioned way would be to take it to a garage and have them do it for me. I have other options, but part of me likes the “manliness” of changing the tire. My son-in-law has the floor jack and air wrench that makes the job go really quickly. For that matter, so does my neighbour who does auto repair on the side and told me that it would be his pleasure to help me out with any mechanical work. I have the feeling that both my son-in-law and the neighbour think that I am a little frail to do any actual work. It is nice of them, but unnecessary. My buddy Ken also has the air wrench, but he is on “walk-a-bout” for the next couple of weeks.

The problem with the three offers is that like the garage, I would have to schedule an appointment. They are all busy people and have a lot less free time than I have, well, except for Ken who does almost as little as I do and he is presently on vacation from doing nothing. Good gig if you can get it. The whole point of having summer and winter tires on rims is that I can choose the time and place for the old switcheroo. Thanks to everyone, but it is a done deal. Well, not both cars that would be stupid with our Albertan weather.

My daughter called today and believe it or not put in some requests that will make me work. She mentioned that while over at Brendan’s place, Hurricane had a ball playing with the chalk board in his basement. When she mentioned that it would be a good birthday present for later this month, Brendan told her that I already have one on the go. Basically she told me to pull my thumb out and get to work. Not is so many words, but I got the drift. She also asked if I remembered a wooden shoe like thing that I made to teach them how to tie their shoes. I remembered and travelled back in time to younger, thinner times. Arwen wanted to know if I still had the shoe. It has been over 25 years; of course I have it…somewhere. It is easier to just make a new one than find the old one and I not only have better tools, I am a more experienced wood worker now.

It is nice that she remembers the shoe, but as I recall it wasn’t a resounding success. Oh sure, they can all tie their laces now (I am not sure about Brendan), but it wasn’t a fun game for them. It was pretty frustrating for me too. I think in the end we bought these slider things that looked like He-man and My Little Pony which fit on the laces and snugged them up rather than having to tie them. I can remember seeing the shoe from time to time over the years in this toy box or that abandoned shelf. I am pretty sure I saw it recently, but for the life of me I can’t remember where. I am about half done with the new one, it is cut to shape and one side is carved out with the holes for the laces drilled out. Tomorrow I will finish the carving and hopefully get started on the painting.

I know it seems like a lot of work for something that will more than likely spend most of its life on a shelf or in a toy box, but it just might help Hurricane or Tornado learn to tie their shoelaces.

I guess you can call me a cock-eyed optimist.

1 comment:

  1. Correct me Ken if I'm wrong but after living in Calgary for 36 years doesn't always snow the May long weekend? I can remember delivering mail the first week of June a few years ago in a snow storm. You live on the edge my friend! B
