Monday 23 May 2016


Sometimes I am pretty sure why I am alive.

Sometimes I wonder if I am alive at all.

Sometimes I wonder what the purpose, my purpose is.

Sometimes I just don’t care.

Sometimes I know why I am here.

Sometimes I wonder why you are here.
                                    You shouldn’t be.

Sometimes I don’t know how I could live without you.

Sometimes I would like to try.

Sometimes I am cold. Sometimes I am hot.
                                    Often within a five minute period.

Sometimes I just can’t figure out the point of it all.

Sometimes I just want to start walking and only stop when life stops me.

Sometimes I think that would be too much effort.

Sometimes I think this is too much effort.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we all unplugged at the same time.

Sometimes I turn on the TV for company.

Sometimes I think the TV needs me to watch.

Sometimes I wonder why people keep writing songs when pretty much everything has already been said.

Sometimes I think the same for books.

Sometimes I just close my eyes and watch the images that play on my inner eyelids.

Sometimes I wonder if I am insane and nobody cares one way or the other.

Sometimes I look into other peoples windows and try to imagine their lives.

Sometimes I look out my window and try to imagine a life out there.

Sometimes I think it would be better to be an animal and not know of a greater purpose.

Sometimes I have to wonder what my greater purpose is.

Sometimes …

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