Friday 25 December 2015

I Hope I Can Sleep

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know that I did.
I was lucky enough to talk to all of my children and spent some time with Hurricane and Tornado. I probably could have waited a day or two for that or at least until the sugar high wore off. We had a wonderful meal at the in-laws and a lot of good conversation as well. This is one of the first Christmases in recent memory that we weren't responsible for the preparation and eventual clean up. It puts the holidays in a whole new light. I just may try to wrangle an invite from some unsuspecting soul next year.

The grandkids had toys that I could barely understand. They were fun, but I suspect the shelf life is pretty limited. There were a couple of toys I wish I had, but I have no use for them and quite frankly, Louise already has one too many useless things in the house. 

Hmmmm...I wonder what she means by that?

Here's hoping that tomorrow is a good and enjoyable day and it leads you to another good and enjoyable day and so on and so on until we meet again next December to do this all over again.

Tomorrow we go to see the new Star Wars movie...I hope I can sleep!

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