I can remember the thrill it was as a little boy to shuffle
across the wall to wall broadloom carpet in my slippers and when I got to the
table a spark would jump from my finger. I had no idea that first time it
happened what was going on. The subsequent three or four thousand times I was
well aware what would happen and I suppose that I learned something of static
electricity. Of course, my older brother did his learning by shocking me when I
least expected it.
Whenever we had balloons in the house we would rub them on
our heads and then stick them to pretty much any surface they would stick to.
By the end of the day the walls were covered, we were covered and there were
bits and pieces of balloon all over the house. “But Mom…it’s science!”
I can remember a scout leader teaching us how to save
ourselves if we were ever lost in the woods. Well, we could save ourselves if
we managed to have a sewing needle, a piece of cork, a plate to hold water
(very still), and a magnet. By stroking the needle against the magnet it
becomes magnetized and then rest the needle on the cork and it will point out
magnetic north. Of course this assumes that you actually know where you came
from initially. Personally, I think it would be far easier to carry a compass
than all of that other stuff that would make a poor compass at best. That might
be why I was kicked out of scouts for being a disruptive influence. Many years
later I was almost kicked out as a scout leader for the same reason strangely
In school we learned how to make an electro-magnet by
wrapping a wire around a nail and then hooking the ends of the wire to battery
terminals. When the teacher told us we were going to make an electro-magnet I
had visions of those huge things that wrecking yards have that pick up cars and
toss them around like they didn’t weigh a thing. My nail and battery could
barely lift an iron filing and really struggled to pick up a coin. Perhaps if I
had a bigger battery…

Probably one of the coolest weird things you could do with
electricity is lighting a bulb with a potato. You needed two pieces of wire, a
potato of course, a very small bulb and a couple of nails to shove into the
potato. When I first heard this, I thought to myself “BULLSHIT!!!” It turns out
that it actually works amazingly enough. It isn’t powerful enough to do
anything with, but the bulb lights up and is powered with a potato. Crazy.
I thought the potato thing was pretty incredible and would
be impossible to top. As usual, I was wrong. Today I performed an experiment
that I saw on Facebook. Most things you see on facebook won’t work as
advertised and I expect to be disappointed. This entry today said that with
just a paperclip, a small piece of paper and two coins I could recharge a cell
phone. Hmmmmm… I collected everything together and did what the video told me
to do and my dead cell phone started to charge! I know, crazy!
I didn’t wait to see if it would actually charge the phone
enough to make a call or send a text, but if I am ever in a situation where I
am no where near a power outlet, need to make a call, and in my pocket I just
happen to have a paperclip, paper and two coins, I will give it a go. It would
be just my luck that there would be no cell service.
Mind you, just like when I was in scouts all of those years
ago, it would be much easier to keep the phone charged when I am going into the
wilderness. I guess I am still a disruptive influence.
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