Saturday 26 June 2021

Well Another Sad One

It will be a different kind of sad, but sad just the same.


When I was small and had to go somewhere special, my mom would dress me in nice pants a shirt (and tie) and slick my hair down to make me presentable. Can you be presentable if you pick your nose and hide it behind your knee? I’m going to say kid presentable. As I aged and selected my own clothes, Jeans with a cool belt and a t-shirt with a socially significant message was high fashion. I do mean high. Those fashion decisions lasted for many years and I still feel like that is the real me. Even my wedding found me dressed in a costume, we were going for 1880’s look.


I worked in a warehouse as a shipper/receiver for a few years and other than Christmas parties where a nice pair of pants and a shirt and or sweater was perfectly acceptable attire, I got away with my go to jeans and a t-shirt. Then I was hired by the Post Office and in their wisdom they provided me with four seasons of clothing every year for my entire career. I never had the anguish of deciding what to wear every day, it was uniform shirt, uniform pants, blue tie, jacket, peaked hat, black, lace up leather shoes  and of course a smile for the customers (optional). Life was good!


That was my clothing life. Well, there were a few bumps along the way. Sometimes we were invited to a wedding, but my usual nice pants and nice shirt worked. I was just a friend or distant relative. Those years when we went to church so the kids would know what they were objecting to and could honestly say that they went to church for a number of mind numbing years, my standard goodish clothes worked.


There have been the weddings of my children when “good enough” just wasn’t good enough. I had to buy a suit. I found that the cheap me found paying a lot of money for something I would wear once or perhaps twice if you count my funeral was silly. I wanted everyone to be happy so I bought a suit, shirt, jacket and uncomfortable shoes. Everyone was happy except for me. But, the next time a wedding rolled around I had a suit. I had a suit that no longer fit me that is. Yep, I had to buy another suit.


I don’t look good in a suit. Well, I don’t look like me in a suit and I don’t feel like me either. Sometimes you just have to look like someone else to make everyone else happy. The last suit I bought was for Maegan’s wedding and although I didn’t look very good, she looked like an angel. I felt that I didn’t let here down too much.


This weekend or should I say Monday coming I will be attending the funeral of Louise’s aunt. Yesterday I organized the clothes I would wear and managed to button up the pants (barely) and found that the shirt actually fit okay…ish.  I think that suit pants, a nice shirt and tie will be good enough for a summer funeral in Saskatchewan. The only thing I don’t have is a nice black belt. The belts I have are well worn and go with jeans very well but not with dress pants. I had to go searching for a belt. During my search, I found a garment bag downstairs that had my last wedding suit in it and wonder of wonders, everything fit! There was even a pristine black belt and shirts that go with the suit. Fuck Yeah!!!!


I am ready for the funeral and no nice pants and shirt for me, I will be wearing a somber looking suit that says “This guy may look like a loser, but isn’t it a nice suit?” Well, today Louise was talking to her cousin and was told that we should wear casual  dress. Nice pants and a nice shirt. But…but…but…but…


Oh well, at least I will be comfortable. Well unless everyone else didn’t get the dress casual message. I have a feeling that no matter what happens I won’t fit in. I should have become a rock star. Michael Jackson was always wearing a uniform.

Michael Jackson on Twitter: "All hail The King Of Pop! What is your  favorite Michael song?… "


  1. Sorry to hear about Louise's aunt's funeral, saying that you know KEN you looked like shit in a Postal uniform...why should anything change...LOL!

    1. Yeah, I did look like shit, but it was my choice and if I had one of MJ"s uniforms I would have gotten the respect I deserved.
